
Graduate Fellowships and Awards 2005/06

7 Postdoctoral Fellowships

In accordance with McGill University's Guidelines for Academic Units on Postdoctoral Education (Senate, April 2000), all internal and external postdoctoral fellowships with a value lower than the minimum financial support stipulated in the guidelines will be supplemented from sources other than the individual's personal means, including faculty or departmental funds, research grants or contracts or other allowable funds.

The guidelines stipulate that a postdoc must be assured of financial support, other than from personal means, during his/her stay in the University equivalent at the time of appointment to at least 90% of the lesser of either the federal (NSERC, SSHRC or CIHR) or the provincial (FQRNT, FRSQ or FQRSC) research council postdoctoral fellowship pertinent to his/her discipline.

Subject to change in regard of the value of the council fellowships, the minimum funding level in each disciplinary area in 2005-06 is:

· Social Sciences and Humanities: $27,000
· Natural Sciences and Engineering: $27,000
· Medical and Health Sciences: $27,000
Individuals seeking postdoctoral funding in medical sciences may wish to contact the Research and Graduate Studies Office, McGill Faculty of Medicine, 6th floor, McIntyre Medical Building, 3655 Promenade Sir William Osler, which often receives postdoctoral funding information directly from external agencies.

An informal information site on postdoctoral fellowships and employment in the Sciences and Health Sciences has been compiled by the Association Bernard Gregory in France at under "L'emploi sur Internet". It provides links with various relevant sites.

SPIN Database by InfoEd International: McGill University subscribes to the SPIN database for sources of research funding. Please refer to "Funding Information on the Web".

7.1 Internal Postdoctoral Fellowships
Amy Wong Fellowship

Established in 1998 by a generous gift from a McGill graduate of Chemical Engineering (Class of 1959) from Hong Kong.

Awarded to a qualified student from China, including Hong Kong, who is an entering postdoctoral scholar, Ph.D. or M.Sc. student conducting agricultural production/food related research in the Faculty of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences. Awarded by the Dean of the Faculty in consultation with the departments. The recipients are expected to return to their home country after the completion of their studies.
Minimum $20,000. Renewable once at the master's level and twice at the doctoral or postdoctoral levels.
Commander C. Bellairs Postdoctoral Fellowships
Tenable at the Bellairs Research Institute of McGill University, St. James, Barbados, for research in marine related fields including: biology, ecology, behavioural and avian ecology, geography and geology. Candidates should have recently attained their Ph.D. and must clearly demonstrate a definite need to carry out their research at the Institute.
$20,000 per year, plus travel expenses. Renewable once.
Check availability with the GPSO Fellowships and Awards Section.
OFA # 125
Conrad F. Harrington Postdoctoral Fellowships

Established in 1999 in honour of Conrad F. Harrington in recognition of his leadership in developing in McGill University Health Centre.

The postdoctoral fellowship in the area of amytrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) will support researchers who have received their M.D. or Ph.D. degrees and who wish to advance their research careers in the Faculty of Medicine in the McGill University Health Centre. In the event that there are no candidates investigating ALS, the fellowship will be awarded to support a postdoctoral candidate working in a related area of neurological disease. Awarded by the Postgraduate Award
Committee of the Faculty of Medicine.
Application: Further information can be obtained from or by contracting the
Research Office of the Faculty of Medicine.
OFA # 157
Dr. David T.W. Lin Fellowship

Established in 1998 by a generous gift from a McGill graduate of Chemical Engineering (Class of 1959), from Hong Kong, in recognition of Dr. David T.W. Lin, B.Sc. 1937, M.D., C.M. 1940, a surgeon emeritus at the Royal Victoria Hospital, to support medical research.

Awarded by the Postgraduate Awards Committee of the Faculty of Medicine to a student at the postdoctoral, Ph.D. or M.Sc. level.
Minimum $20,000.
Further information can be obtained from or by contacting the Research Office of the Faculty of Medicine.
Dr. Robert G.H. Lee Fellowship

Established in 1998 by a generous gift from a McGill graduate of Chemical Engineering (Class of 1959), from Hong Kong, in honour of Dr. Robert G.H. Lee, B. Eng. 1947 (Metallurgical Engineering).

Minimum $15,000. Renewable once at the master's level and twice at the postdoctoral or doctoral levels.
Awarded by the GPSO on the recommendation of the Faculty of Engineering to an entering postdoctoral, doctoral or master's student in either Chemical Engineering or Mining and Metallurgical Engineering.
Dr. Wah Leung Fellowship

Established in 1998 by a generous gift from a McGill graduate of Chemical Engineering (Class of 1959), from Hong Kong, in honour of Dr. Wah Leung, the first Dean of Dentistry at the University of British Columbia.

Awarded by the Faculty of Dentistry to an entering postdoctoral, doctoral or master's student in the Faculty of Dentistry who is working in pain, oral cancer or bone tissue research.
Minimum $20,000. Renewable once at the master's level and twice at the postdoctoral and doctoral levels.
Dr. Yu-Ming Lam Fellowship

Established in 1999 by a generous gift from Dr. Yu-Ming Lam (DDS 1972) and family in honour of Mr. Yin Bun Lam.

Awarded by the Faculty of Dentistry to an entering postdoctoral, doctoral or master's student in the Faculty of Dentistry.
$10,000. Tenable for one year.
McLaughlin Fellowship

Established by the R. Samuel McLaughlin Foundation for post-M.D. fellows undertaking research within McGill University and affiliated hospitals.

The Fellowship will be awarded by the Postgraduate Awards Committee of the Faculty of Medicine for one year, but the recipient is eligible to re-enter the competition for a second year of support. Applicants must be eligible to practice in Quebec.
Minimum $25,000.
Further information can be obtained from or by contacting the Research Office of the Faculty of Medicine.
Peter Quinlan Fellowship

To honor the memory of Peter Quinlan, a fellowship fund has been established in his name by his family and friends.

The Peter Quinlan Fellowship will support young researchers (M.D. or Ph.D.) who wish to undertake postdoctoral training in Oncology at McGill University and its affiliated hospitals under the direction of a member of the Faculty of Medicine. The Fellowship will be awarded by the Postgraduate Awards Committee of the Faculty of Medicine for one year, but the recipient is eligible to re-enter the competition for a second year of support.
Stipend will follow CIHR salary scale.
Further information can be obtained from or by contacting the Research Office of the Faculty of Medicine.
Richard H. Tomlinson Postdoctoral Fellowships

Established in 2000 through a very generous gift from Dr. Richard H. Tomlinson (Ph.D. 1948). Awarded annually by the GPSO to recruit outstanding individuals into postdoctoral positions in any department at McGill University. Tomlinson Fellows who accept a fellowship from an agency external to McGill will be entitled to one-half the full value of the Tomlinson Fellowship.

The Tomlinson Postdoctoral Fellowships are for new postdoctoral scholars accepted into a postdoctoral research position at any department at McGill University.
$30,000, renewable annually based on satisfactory progress, to a maximum tenure of 2 years for postdoctoral level.
December 1.
Applications for a Tomlinson Postdoctoral Fellowship must reach the intended department by December 1 and should be accompanied by a letter from a McGill faculty member indicating their willingness to supervise the applicant's postdoctoral research in the event a fellowship is awarded. Current doctoral students and postdoctoral scholars at McGill are not eligible to apply.
Sustainable Agriculture Fellowship

Established in 1995 through an endowment by a graduate of the Macdonald Farm Management and Technology Program, to foster innovative research in sustainable development that might not otherwise find support through traditional funding sources.

The proposed research would address themes such as food systems, agriculture, conservation, and the environment; sustainable systems and the community; issues in Canada's North; and food, nutrition and community development. Awarded by the Faculty of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences Scholarship Committee on the basis of academic merit and suitability of the proposed research to the fellowship theme. Priority will be given to postdoctoral fellows.
$35,000 at the postdoctoral level, may be renewable once.
February 1, to Scholarships Committee for a fellowship commencing September 1.
Additional information is available from the Macdonald Campus Student Affairs Office, 21111 Lakeshore, Ste-Anne-de-Bellevue, Quebec, H9X 3V9. Doctoral candidates will be considered in the second round if no suitable postdoctoral candidate is found.
7.2 External Postdoctoral Fellowships
Andrew W. Mellon Postdoctoral Fellowships in the Humanities
Applicants must be US Citizens or Permanent Residents. For scholar-teachers in the humanities, tenable at Stanford University, who will be receiving a Ph.D. no more than one year prior to the competition or on track to finish the degree program by the end of the academic years. Limited teaching duties are required.
Minimum salary of $30,000 and benefits, office space, research and library support.
Not currently offered.
Additional information is available from
OFA # 269
Canadian Health Services Research Foundation (CHSRF) Postdoctoral Award Competition

Candidates may be from any discipline or health professional background, but must have formal research training and some research experience related to applied health services or health policy. Targeted disciplines or professional backgrounds include, but are not limited to: social sciences and humanities, nursing, applied health services and policy, medicine, dentistry, pharmacy, optometry, veterinary medicine, chiropractic, and rehabilitative science.

$40,000 plus research allowance of $5,000.
Applications are due at the foundation in December. An application form is not required, but format and content
guidelines must be observed. Information and guidelines can be found at
Canadian Institutes for Health Research (CIHR) Postdoctoral Fellowships
A candidate must hold, or be completing, either a Ph.D. or a health professional degree (or equivalent) in a field such as medicine, dentistry, pharmacy, optometry, veterinary medicine, chiropractic, nursing or rehabilitative science. (Candidates cannot hold the award in the department where they received their Ph.D.)
Varies from $38,000 to $47,500 plus research allowance (renewable).
Applications are considered at two deadlines, October 1 and February 1.
Application forms and the Grants and Awards Guide are available only on the Web. Further information is available from CIHR, 410 Laurier Avenue W., 9th floor, Ottawa, Ontario, K1A 0W9,
OFA #189
Chateaubriand Scholarships (Postdoctoral)
This program offers young Canadian researchers the opportunity of a 6 to 12 month assignment in a French university, research organisation, or an engineering school, preferably within a cooperation programme between French and Canadian laboratories. Contact should be made with the host institution prior to making the application (a letter of invitation is required) Candidates must be Canadian citizens and have received their Ph.D. in the last three years.
Monthly stipend of 2060 euros plus medical insurance and cost of travel.
January 31.
Information regarding specific application requirements and application forms are available from the
French Embassy, Science and Technology Department, 464 Wilbrod Street, Ottawa, Ontario K1N 6M8 Tel: (613) 593 7412, Fax: (613) 593-7430
OFA # 229
Chiang Ching-Kuo Foundation - Fellowship Awards (Postdoctoral)
For postdoctoral research in the field of Chinese studies in the humanities and social sciences. All applicants must be, or become, members in good standing of the Canadian Asian Studies Association.
varies depending on availability of funds and needs of applicant.
February 1.
Additional information and forms are available from the Canadian Asian Studies Association, CCASLS SB-115,
c/o Concordia University, 1455 de Maisonneuve O., Montréal, Québec H3G 1M8. Tel: (514) 848-2280, Fax: (514) 848-4514
OFA # 113
Fondation Armand-frappier
The Fondation Armand Frappier offers four $30,000 Postdoctoral fellowships to candidates having recently obtained their doctoral degrees. The awardees train at the Institut Armand Frappier.



Check directly with the Fondation Armand-Frappier

Information regarding specific application requirements available from the President, J. Louis Lévesque Fellowship Award Committee, Fondation Armand Frappier, 531 boul. des Prairies, Ville de Laval, Québec H7V 1B7. Tel: (514) 686 5360.



OFA # 232
Fondation du prêt d'honneur bourses de recherche postdoctorale
Established in 1970, these postdoctoral awards were created to promote research in the social and economic field, particularly important for the development of Quebec. Candidates must be about to receive their doctoral degrees or have recently received them and have received a degree from a Quebec university within the last eight years. Applicants must also be Canadian citizens, or Permanent Residents and be a resident of Quebec for three years.
$20,000 for one year (may be renewable).
February 1.
Information and application forms available from the Comité des bourses postdoctorales, La Fondation du Prêt d'Honneur, Maison Ludger-Duvernay, 82 rue Sherbrooke ouest, Montréal, Québec H2X 1X3. Tel: (514) 843-8851.
OFA # 50
Fonds de la recherche en santé du Québec (FRSQ) Postdoctoral Training Fellowships
Fellowships for postdoctoral research training (full-time) in health sciences. The candidate must hold a Ph.D. and have accumulated no more than 30 months (2 1/2 years) of postdoctoral training as of March 1. Applicants must be Canadian citizens or Permanent Residents when the fellowship commences. Some awards may also be awarded to non-Canadians wishing to do postdoctoral training in Quebec.
Varies from $30,000 to $39,323, renewable.
October 15.
Information regarding specific application requirements and application forms are available on the Web or from FRSQ, 500, rue Sherbrooke ouest, Bureau 800, Montréal, Québec H3A 3C6. Tel: (514) 873-2114 ext. 224
OFA # 345
Fonds Québécois de la Recherche sur la Nature et les Technologies (FQRNT) (formerly FCAR) Bourses Postdoctorales
These fellowships are offered to candidates who (during the last 2 years) have completed their doctoral studies in Quebec and now wish to undertake a post-doctoral position outside of the province or, have completed their Ph.D. elsewhere and wish to undertake post-doctoral work in a Quebec university. Candidates must be Canadian citizens or Permanent Residents, and residents of Québec.
$30,000 per year, up to two years.
October 15 (confirm deadline with offices below).
Forms are available on the Web or from FQRNT 140, Grande-Allée Est, Bureau 450, Québec, Québec, G1R 5M8. Tel: (418) 643-3396, Fax: (418) 643-1451 or 1-888-653-6512;
OFA # 371
Fonds de recherche sur la société et la culture (FQRSC) Bourses Postdoctorales
These fellowships are offered to candidates who (during the last 2 years) have completed their doctoral studies in Quebec and now wish to undertake a post doctoral position outside of the province or, have completed their Ph.D. elsewhere and wish to undertake post doctoral work in a Quebec university. Candidates must be Canadian citizens or Permanent Residents, and residents of Québec. Some awards may also be awarded to non Canadians wishing to do postdoctoral training in Quebec.

$30,000 may be renewable.


October 15 (confirm deadline with offices below).

Information regarding specific application
requirements and application forms are available on the Web
at, Tel: (418) 643-7582 poste 3144,
Foreign Government Awards (Postdoctoral)

The International Council for Canadian Studies (ICCS) administers a number of foreign government awards (including postdoctoral level support) on behalf of the Government of Canada and other foreign governments.

A common condition is that the applicant be a Canadian citizen and have completed a Ph.D. by the beginning of tenure of the award.
Covers monthly living allowance, tuition and related fees, plus return travel (duration and actual value varies by country).
Varies (confirm deadline with offices below).
Can be obtained on the Web or from the International Council for Canadian Studies, 75 Albert Street, S-908, Ottawa, Ontario, K1P 5E7. Tel: (613) 789-7828,
E-mail: or the GPSO Fellowships and Awards Section.
Countries currently supported:
Colombia, France, Germany (DAAD), Italy, Japan, Korea, Mexico, Chile, the Phillipines, Netherlands, Russia and Spain.
Awaiting approval: Philippines.
OFA # 499
Hannah Institute Fellowships for Postdoctoral Study in the History of Medicine
Candidates must be Canadian citizens or Permanent Residents who have completed their Ph.D. or M.D. in the last three years, or will be doing so before November 1. Any applicant who can submit official documentation of a successful defence by February 1 will also be considered.
$28,500 to $35,000.
November 1 (confirm with Hannah Institute).
Information and applications may be obtained from the Associated Medical Services Inc. Web site: Apply directly to Associated Medical Services, Inc. 14 Prince Arthur Avenue, Suite 101, Toronto, Ontario, M5R 1A9. Tel: (416) 924-3368. E-mail:
OFA # 430
Humboldt Research Fellowship Program
The Alexander von Humboldt Foundation was established by the Federal Republic of Germany in order to promote international cooperation in research.
The Humboldt Research Fellowship Program supports highly qualified postdoctoral scholars of all nationalities and disciplines so that they may carry out long-term research projects in Germany. There are no quotas with respect to country of origin or academic discipline.
The Humboldt Research Fellowship Program provides for a stay of six to 12 months in Germany for research. Monthly stipends range from 2,100 Euro to 3,000 Euro; special allowances are available for accompanying family members, travel expenses, and German language instruction.

Applications may be submitted at any time.

Information and applications may be obtained from: Alexander von Humboldt Foundation, U.S. Liaison Office, 1012 14th Street NW, Suite 1015, Washington, DC 20005, Telephone: (202) 783 1907, Fax.: (202) 783 1908



Institut de recherche en santé et en sécurité du Travail du Québec (IRSST) - bourses postdoctorales de recherche

Graduate scholarships are intended for master's, doctoral and postdoctoral candidates whose research program deals specifically with the prevention of industrial accidents and occupational diseases or the rehabilitation of affected workers.

Candidates must be Canadian citizens or Permanent Residents, domiciled in Quebec. Selection will take into account the relation of the proposed project to the priorities of the IRSST.
$27,000 - $36,000.
First Tuesday in November.
Information regarding specific application requirements and application forms are available from the GPSO Fellowships and Awards Section; the McGill Department of Occupational Health, Charles Meredith House, 1130 Pine Avenue; or the Institut de recherche en santé et en sécurité du travail du Québec, 505 boul. de Maisonneuve ouest, Montréal, Québec H3A 3C2. Telephone: (514) 288-1551. E-mail: Website:
OFA #463
Institut National de la Recherche Scientifique (INRS) Postdoctoral Fellowships
The INRS offers postdoctoral fellowships to researchers wishing to join research teams within one of its seven centres (affiliated with the Université du Québec located throughout the province). These carry out research on: culture and society, water, energy and materials, geological sciences, oceanography, health, telecommunications and urban planning. Candidates must have either recently completed their doctoral studies or be in the final stages.
Approximately $26,000 (renewable).
See INRS Website -
Information regarding specific application requirements available from the INRS, 490, rue de la Couronne, Québec, Québec G1K 9A9. Telephone: (418) 654-4677 Fax: (418) 654-2525 . E-mail: Website:
OFA #411
International Development Research Centre (Idrc) Postdoctoral Research Awards

The mandate of the International Development Research Centre (IDRC) is to support research that meets the priorities of developing countries. Therefore, most of IDRC's training funds and awards are granted to individuals doing research directly related to, and in, the context of IDRC's programs and projects.




See IDRC Website -

JSPS Postdoctoral Fellowships for Foreign Researchers

This Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS) fellowship was established to assist foreign researchers wishing to conduct research in Japan.

Candidates must be a citizen of a country that has diplomatic relations with Japan, have obtained a doctoral degree within the six years preceding award tenure. All fields of the humanities, social sciences, and natural sciences are included under this program.
Covers monthly living allowance, return travel, and medical insurance, for one year (renewable).
Two applications periods, May and September.
There are two nomination routes: a) through the nominating authority in the applicant's country (in Canada, NSERC); b) through a Japanese host researcher. Information and application materials available from Japanese Programs, NSERC, 350 Albert Street, Ottawa, Ontario, K1A 1H5. Tel: (613) 996-2009. E-mail: Website:
OFA # 203
Juvenile Diabetes Foundation Postdoctoral Fellowships in Diabetes Research
By the beginning of the period of support sought, applicant must hold a doctoral degree or equivalent from an accredited institution and must not have a faculty appointment. Applicants must be sponsored by an investigator affiliated full-time with an accredited institution, who agrees to supervise the applicant's training. The sponsor need not have a background in diabetes, but the research project must be diabetes-related.
$35,568 - $46,992 for 2 years, $5,500 research allowance. Based on number of years of relevant postdoctoral experience. Consists of a stipend and research allowance.
January and July.
Information and application available from
OFA # 194
National Research Council (NRC) Research Associateships
Candidates must have recently acquired (within the last five years) or expect soon to acquire a Ph.D. in a natural science or engineering field, or Master's degree in an engineering field. Associateships are open to nationals of all countries, but preference is given to Canadian citizens and permanent residents. Research associates will be offered appointments to the staff of NRC, tenable at one of NRC's 16 laboratories.
$46,112 per year (usually for a two-year term), plus travel expenses.
Information regarding specific requirements is available from RA Coordinator, National Research Council Canada, Human Resources Branch, 1200 Montreal Road, Building M-58, Room W-107, Ottawa, Ontario K1A 0R6
OFA # 112
Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council (NSERC) Industrial Research Postdoctoral Fellowships
Candidates must hold or expect to hold a Ph.D. in a discipline supported by NSERC, by the proposed date of appointment. These fellowships are intended primarily for new doctoral graduates seeking employment in Canadian industry for the first time (a list of eligible nominating organizations and companies is available from the addresses below). Candidates must be nominated by an eligible organization or company to be considered for funding. Candidates must be Canadian citizens or Permanent Residents.
$30,000 (plus company contribution of $10,000 minimum per year)
Four competitions each year. (See NSERC Web site for details -
Fellowship guide and application forms are available only on the Web. Further information available from the GPSO Fellowships and Awards Section or NSERC, 350 Albert Street, Ottawa, Ontario, K1A 1H5. Tel: (613) 996-3762 or 996-3769, All inquiries related to this program should be directed to NSERC.
OFA # 375
Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council (NSERC) Postdoctoral Fellowships
Candidates must be Canadian citizens or Permanent Residents who have recently obtained, or are about to obtain a Ph.D. degree (in a field of research supported by NSERC). Funding is available to undertake postdoctoral research in one of the fields supported by NSERC. Awards are tenable at a Canadian university, provincial research council, as well as universities and research councils abroad.
$40,000 per year for two years.
To NSERC by October 15.
Fellowship guide and application forms are available only on the Web. Further information available from the GPSO Fellowships and Awards Section or directly from Scholarships and International Programs, NSERC, 350 Albert Street, Ottawa, Ontario, K1A 1H5. Tel: (613) 996-3762,
OFA # 375
Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council (NSERC) Visiting Fellowships in Canadian Government Laboratories (VF)
Candidates must have received a Ph.D. within the last five years. There are no citizenship restrictions but there are quotas. Please consult the NSERC Web site. The fellowship is tenable in a number of Canadian government laboratories in the areas of agriculture, communications, environment, health, fisheries, etc.
$40,800 per year, renewable for up to two more years.
No deadline.
Fellowship guide and application forms are available only on the Web. Further information available from Visiting Fellowship's Office, NSERC, 350 Albert Street, Ottawa, Ontario, K1A 1H5. Tel: (613) 996-3762,
OFA # 374
Organization of American States (Postdoctoral) Fellowships
Offered to Canadian citizens and Permanent Residents for postdoctoral research in any field except medicine, in any of the OAS member countries.
Covers monthly living allowance, health insurance, tuition and related fees, study material, plus return travel for one year (renewable).
End of January - see Website for exact date.
Can be obtained on the Web or from the OAS Program Officer, International Council for Canadian Studies, 75 Albert, S-908, Ottawa, Ontario, K1P 5E7, (613) 789-7828,
or the GPSO Fellowships and Awards Section.
OFA # 91
Shastri Indo-Canadian Institute Postdoctoral Research Fellowships
Candidates must be Canadian citizens or Permanent Residents and have completed a Ph.D. Affiliation with an Indian institution is not a prerequisite. Usually tenable in the social sciences and humanities.
Rs. 16,000 living expenses per month and up to Rs. 4,200 per month for research, plus travel to and from India for 3 to 12 months.
See Website.
Information regarding specific application requirements and application forms are available from the Shastri Indo-Canadian Institute, 1402 Education Tower, 2500 University Dr. N.W., Calgary, Alberta T2N 1N4. Tel:(403) 220-7467.
OFA # 88
Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada Therese F. Casgrain (Postdoctoral) Fellowship for Research on Women and Social Change in Canada
Applicants must be Canadian citizens or Permanent Residents at the time of application and the award is only tenable in Canada. Affiliation with a university or an appropriate research institution is desirable but not a condition of the award. Applicants must have obtained a doctorate before taking up the award, though there are no restrictions as to time elapsed since obtaining the doctoral degree. The award supports research in the field of social justice, particularly in defence of individual rights and the promotion of the economic and social interests of Canadian women. The Foundation is particularly interested in research that inclues a discussion of public policy options and makes concrete recommendations for change.
Up to $40,000 per year, of which $10,000 may be used for travel and research expenses. Non-renewable. Offered every even-numbered year.
October 1.
Forms are available only on the Web. Further information available from the GPSO Fellowships and Awards Section or SSHRC, 350 Albert Street, Ottawa, Ontario, K1P 6G4. Tel: (613) 992-0691
OFA # 342
Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC) Postdoctoral Fellowships
For persons who have obtained a doctoral degree no more than three years prior to the competition deadline and who intend to pursue full-time postdoctoral study or research while affiliated with a university or recognized research institution. Applicants must be Canadian citizens or Permanent Residents.
$35,028 (renewable) plus research allowance of up to $5,000.
October 1.
Forms are available only on the Web. Further information available from the GPSO Fellowships and Awards Section or from the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada, Tower II, 350 Albert Street, Ottawa, Ontario, K1P 6G4. Tel: (613) 992-0691;
OFA # 372
Stages de formation postdoctorale au Québec pour jeunes diplômés étrangers

This program funds postdoctoral research internships in Quebec universities, enabling teams already involved in joint research to exchange young researchers.

Open to recent Ph.D.s (less than three years), citizens of one of the designated countries (excluding Canadian dual nationals): Germany, Spain, Italy, United Kingdom, Belgium, France, Switzerland, Australia, Denmark, United States, Japan, Norway, Finland, Sweden, Israel, South Korea. Priority is given to: biotechnology, information technologies, environment, space, health and new materials.
Covers living allowance, return air travel and medical insurance, for a period of 6 to 12 months.
April 15.
Information and application materials available from Service de la coopération internationale, Ministère de l'Éducation du Québec, 1035, rue De La Chevrotière, 20e étage, Québec, QC G1R 5A5. Tel: (418) 646-8865.
OFA # 208
Traditional Fulbright Scholar Awards

Offers grants of four to nine months to Canadian postdoctoral researchers to lecture or conduct research at a host institution in the United States. While the competition is field open, applications in the following areas are strongly encouraged: Canada-U.S. r
elations, security, public policy, international trade, North American integration, urban and regional planning, communications, culture, ecology and the environment, indigenous issues, law,
border issues, public health, Canadian studies, and American studies. All applicants must demonstrate their project's relevance to the Program's mandate. All award recipients must be affiliated with an institution in the host country and are responsible for securing such affiliation.

Open to recent Ph.D.s (less than three years), citizens of one of the designated countries (excluding Canadian dual nationals): Germany, Spain, Italy, United Kingdom, Belgium, France, Switzerland, Australia, Denmark, United States, Japan, Norway, Finland, Sweden, Israel, South Korea. Priority is given to: biotechnology, information technologies, environment, space, health and new materials.
$25,000 USD for a full academic year (nine months) or $12,500 for one semester. Basic health insurance is also provided.

November 15.

Information and application materials available from The Canada-U.S. Fulbright Program Foundation for Educational Exchange between Canada and the United States of America, 2015-350 Albert Street, Ottawa, Ontario K1R 1A4, Tel: (613) 237-5366 , Fax : (613) 237-2029
Woodrow Wilson International Centre for Scholars Postdoctoral Fellowships in the Humanities and Social Sciences
No citizenship restrictions. Candidates must possess a Ph.D. degree in the humanities or social sciences and have published some major work beyond the Ph.D. dissertation.
From $26,200 to $85,000.
October 1 in Washington.
Information regarding specific application requirements and application forms are available from the Fellowships Office, The Woodrow Wilson International Centre for Scholars, Ronald Reagan Building and International Itrade Center, One Woodrow Wilson Plaza, 1300 Pennsylvania Ave. N.W., Washington, D.C. 20004-3027 USA. Tel: (202) 691-4000, Fax: (202) 357-4439. E-mail: Website:
OFA # 278

McGill University