Graduate Fellowships and Awards 2012-2013

7 Postdoctoral Fellowships

In accordance with McGill University's Guidelines and Policy for Academic Units on Postdoctoral Education (Senate, April 2000) available in the Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies Programs, Courses and University Regulations publication at, a postdoc must be assured of financial support, other than from personal means, during his/her stay in the University of at least $30,000 per year. Postdoc stipends paid from research grants also are subject to the minima/maxima stipulated by the granting agency.
Individuals seeking postdoctoral funding in medical sciences may wish to consult the Research and Graduate Studies Office funding website:
An informal information site on postdoctoral fellowships and employment in the Sciences and Health Sciences has been compiled by L'Intelli'agence in France at under "Jobs". It also provides links to various relevant sites.
COS Database: McGill University subscribes to the COS database for sources of research funding. Please refer to section 2.2, “Further Information”.

The University reserves the right to make changes without prior notice to the information contained in this Calendar, including alteration of conditions and values of awards.

Please note that in the body of this Calendar, awards are listed alphabetically by their complete official names. In the index, awards are listed alphabetically by their complete official names as well as by family name of benefactor, if applicable.

McGill University:

Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies:
